Subluxation is a term used to describe an abnormal alignment of spinal vertebrae which causes nerve interference. A subluxation may occur due to injury or an underlying medical condition, such as degenerative disc disease. At CORE Health Centers, our specialists are renowned for their expertise in treating subluxations and we’ll create a plan of action that best fits your needs.
Subluxations can cause a host of symptoms, including pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. In addition to these physical symptoms, subluxations can also affect your overall health by causing a decrease in circulation and the body’s ability to heal itself.

What are the common causes of a Subluxation?
Subluxation can be caused by various factors, including falls, car accidents, sports injuries, repetitive motion injuries, and even poor posture. Additionally, some medical conditions such as scoliosis or osteoarthritis can contribute to the development of a subluxation. While subluxation can occur anywhere along the spine, the neck and lower back are most commonly affected. When a subluxation is left untreated, it can lead to further complications such as muscle spasms and chronic pain. Let’s take a look at common subluxations and their symptoms.Spine
Subluxations in the spine can cause nerve interference, resulting in pain radiating from the area of injury into other areas. Pain can be felt locally or may travel down the entire arm or leg, depending on where the subluxation is located. Other symptoms include numbness and tingling in affected areas, decreased range of motion, and muscle weakness.Shoulder
Subluxations in the shoulder can also cause nerve interference and result in pain radiating from the area of injury into other areas. Pain may be felt locally or may travel down the entire arm, depending on where the subluxation is located. Additionally, subluxations in the shoulder joint can cause a decreased range of motion and muscle weakness.Neck
Subluxations in the neck can cause nerve interference, resulting in pain radiating to areas of the body away from the subluxation. This can be accompanied by numbness and tingling in affected areas, decreased range of motion, and muscle weakness.Lower Back
Subluxations in the lower back can cause nerve interference and result in pain radiating to other areas. Additionally, subluxations in the lower back can lead to muscle spasms, stiffness in the area, and a decrease in range of motion.
What causes subluxations?
There are many possible causes of subluxations, including falls, car accidents, sports injuries, repetitive motion injuries, poor posture, and even underlying medical conditions such as scoliosis or degenerative disc disease. Often, a subluxation is overlooked or misdiagnosed, so it is important to have your spine and subluxations evaluated by a chiropractor to ensure proper treatment. Spontaneous occurrences of the subluxation can also occur due to misaligned vertebrae that place excessive pressure on adjacent nerves. Joint weakness, muscle tension, and ligament laxity can also contribute to subluxations. Pregnant women, individuals with scoliosis, and those who work in physically demanding occupations may be at greater risk for subluxations.What are the common symptoms of a Subluxation?
Subluxation symptoms can vary depending on the part of the body where the subluxation has occurred. There are some general symptoms though, which you might experience when dealing with a subluxation:- Headaches
- Pain near the impacted joint
- Swelling
- Reduced Mobility
- Stiffness
- Numbness or tingling
- Altered gait or range of motion
- Balance Issues

How is a subluxation treated?
When it comes to treating subluxation, an individualized approach is essential. A chiropractor is the best equipped to identify potential subluxations and guide you in the right direction of treatment based on their location and severity. Targeted adjustments are a great way to go as they use manual techniques like pressure and positioning that can help realign misaligned joints. Icing after any adjustment may also be beneficial along with elevation or compression for maximum relief from discomfort caused by this condition. Your chiropractor will provide you with at-home strategies to compound the benefits of treatment. Although these additional treatments don’t readjust dislocated joints, they often reduce discomfort and expedite results by minimizing inflammation. The aim is to reposition a partially misaligned joint in order to decrease pain and prevent further harm. Typically, subluxations resulting from impact are not likely to happen again; however, it’s feasible that if there is an issue with joint fragility then subluxations may reoccur.Final Thoughts on Subluxations
Subluxations are common and can be caused by a variety of sources. If you’re experiencing any subluxation symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention to diagnose and treat the condition. A chiropractor is the best person to evaluate subluxations and help determine the necessary treatment plan in order to relieve pain and restore optimal movement. With professional care, subluxations can be addressed effectively so that you can get back to doing what you love sooner rather than later. Don’t wait too long – subluxations can worsen with time, leading to further joint and nerve damage.
Consequently, take care of yourself and make sure you’re getting the subluxation treatment you need. If you’re experiencing subluxation symptoms, contact Core Health Centers today!
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