Chiropractic blog #37

“Normal” Headaches are not Normal The body was not designed to regularly suffer from headaches. Yet, many headache sufferers believe that headaches arrive as a normal part of being dealt a bad hand of genes or luck. Headaches occur commonly but never as a normal part...

How Important is the Nervous System?

It Represents the Most Sophisticated System in the Body There is no other system in the body which possesses the ability to function properly without the assistance of this central supercomputer. The nervous system consists of a series of highly complex processes that...

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Sperm Counts, and Back Pain

Nearly half of all men between 45-69 years old regularly use over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications (NSAIDs). This class of medications unfortunately also offers relief accompanied by the greatest dangers and side effects. Research published...

Even Fender Benders Create Whiplash

Even the gentlest of fender bender accidents create long-lasting spinal problems. Small, repetitive injuries produce severe spinal injuries in the long run. The human spine encounters its greatest stress through a build-up of impacts over time rather than a single,...