Can Heavy Backpacks cause Back Pain in School Kids?

While back pain is a known and widely-studied issue in adults, its prevalence in school-aged children has received comparatively little scientific attention. Elementary, middle, and high school students must often carry backpacks that weigh enough to cause chronic...

Make Chiropractic part of YOUR Back to School Routine

Back to School, Bedtimes, Schedules, and Health!  The annual arrival of fall accompanies children returning to school. Many families choose this time to reestablish and recommit to basic daily routines. Bedtimes, wakeup times, and activity schedules produce a set of...

Can a Chiropractor Pushing on a Back Improve Health?

Witnessing a surgeon cut open an anesthetized patient to perform surgery reveals the complexity and power of surgical procedures. Understanding the risks of such procedures usually cannot be tangibly measured until the risk becomes a necessity. Chiropractic...

Once You Start Going to a Chiropractor…..

…..You Must Keep Going Right??? A popular myth once deterred people receiving the countless benefits of Chiropractic care. The myth involved the assertion that once a person engaged with Chiropractic care, they became forever bound to continue or risk a detrimental...

Chiropractic Proven to Help Children with Bed-Wetting

Millions of children wake up every morning with wet pants and wet sheets resulting from poor bladder control. Bed-wetting, officially known as enuresis, occurs in children aged five or older who experience regular bed-wetting at least one or two times each week. The...