Do you Suffer with Allergies?

The solution to most allergy problems already exists within the body. We recently had a patient who suffered with bad allergies. But her allergies were more than just typical pollen reactions. She was also allergic to hay and green beans. As bizarre as it sounds, as...

Side-Effect of Chiropractic Adjustments

STRESS RELIEF! Stress ranks at an all-time high in the United States and throughout the world. A lack of confidence breeds uncertainty and worry. Emotional stress and depression comprise two of the worst conditions on earth, resulting in a foundation for the most...

Opioids More Deadly than Covid

Chiropractic Patients Shown to Reduce Opioid Use by 55% Opioid statistics are staggering. Despite an international pandemic for covid-19, opioid drugs continue to prove far more deadly. Statistics show that one of every three Americans takes opioid drugs and 1.9...

Chiropractic Use is on the Rise!

As the Desire for Healthcare without Drugs grows, so does Chiropractic! Chiropractic represents the third largest primary healthcare profession in the United States, surpassed in numbers only by physicians and dentists. Chiropractic serves as the largest, most...

Chiropractic blog #37

“Normal” Headaches are not Normal The body was not designed to regularly suffer from headaches. Yet, many headache sufferers believe that headaches arrive as a normal part of being dealt a bad hand of genes or luck. Headaches occur commonly but never as a normal part...

How Important is the Nervous System?

It Represents the Most Sophisticated System in the Body There is no other system in the body which possesses the ability to function properly without the assistance of this central supercomputer. The nervous system consists of a series of highly complex processes that...